- About NCGCompliance Solutions for Great Companies
"Running a compliance company that is independent, operated with integrity, and provides honest guidance to companies is at the heart of what we do at National Compliance Group.
I am proud of NCG and I stand behind every product we deliver and every service we provide." - Jennifer Flood
Jennifer Flood, Founder and CEO
Tell Me More!
We Know Our Stuff
We are experienced on both sides of compliance. We use that knowledge to help guide our clients to the best outcomes.
It Takes Guts
Telling a company they could be doing something wrong takes guts. We always make sure we are doing the right thing. We do not make decisions for you. We give you the facts, the consequences - good or bad, and conservative guidance.
Time is Valuable
Your business is fast paced and the people who help you should work at your pace. We wave the caution flag when we need to, but we don't waste time because we know time is valuable. You will always have a timeline, an answer, or the guidance you need when you need it.
Our Clients are #1
Enforcing regulatory requirements on behalf of a client is not easy. Making sure you are being protected requires knowledge, devotion to the client, and diligence. Our clients have worked hard to build their companies, and we make sure we work hard for them.
Straightforward Guidance
Compliance companies should be knowledgeable and trusted and you should be able to have honest, candid conversations about your company. We believe that, too. All of our clients know that they can drop us a line, call, or send smoke signals, and we will be there to help. It's what we are good at. Anyone that works with, and for us, at NCG must have the same understanding. We are an extension of your team.
If It's Cheap, It's Not Any Good
But I can tell you why we are more affordable than any of our competitors. We are located in Kansas. So, you can get California or New York City service at those amazing Midwest prices. Our central location makes travel easy, and no matter which coast you're on... we are open!
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